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Who am I

About Brigitte

Experience expert and founder Heal the World, co-founder NewsHitter Breaking News, Reiki Master, Rev, writer

Who am I to set up this website. Let me introduce myself briefly. My name is Brigitte. I was born in 1967 and have had a life that was certainly not easy. I have had over 25 years of therapy, admissions, day admissions and much more. I have now been therapy free since 2011.

I started this site because I keep reading that the amount of people who are taking their own lives keeps increasing. And I think this is a real shame. You, who are considering doing this, you are special and it is people like you that we need on this earth. Believe me from experience. I know the depths of hell and every corner in that dark pit. I also know that you can get out of it and I also know how. I will never dare to say that you should not do it, but I would like you to think carefully first. Because getting out of life isn't nothing.


I will never be able to replace a counselor with my texts. Always see a good doctor or therapist and take the prescribed medicines. This is important. And ask yourself: "Do you no longer want life, or do you no longer want this life. There is a big difference in that. And it is precisely those who know the darkness in all its depths that are also able to recognize happiness. You are here in an advantage. Nice to have you there. Sit down and read along. And remember, you are the one who makes the choices in life and no one else. But be well educated to make a well-considered choice can take.

With respect, Brigitte


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