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Heal the World


I founded Heal the World as an overlapping group that includes and will fall under a lot. Aimed at making people, humanity, the earth and the world better. Maybe a big goal. But I think it's important to do this as a person.


Luckily I'm not the only one dealing with this. There are already many people on earth who have set this as a goal. It is an honor to be part of this.

What I do is work from my gifts, talents and experience with the resources I have at my disposal. And if these aren't there, I create them or see how I can reach them.

For many years I have watched with pain in my heart how many beautiful people leave the earth because they no longer know what to do or do not know how they can still save themselves or feel at home here. And this group is getting bigger and bigger lately. And it is precisely these people that we need on earth. The sensitive beautiful wise people who are claircognizant, clairsentient, light and honest. And this is what I work for.

I work from my heart, and I am certainly not out to make a profit so I work for free. I have a donate button on my site because many people express the need to do more to support my work. This is of course very welcome, but not my goal.

"Heal the World" is a song by Michael Jackson. Who doesn't know this one. A beautifully sensitive song. His objective in this issue is to draw attention to the need of the world. I support this idea and have therefore named my site after this number. Thanks to Michael Jackson, who has had such a huge impact on the world.

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